It's J-Term January! While most of our members have headed home for the break, some members are back in Oxford and about to start classes! These students will be taking advantage of four-week sprint classes, earning full credit for the class.
Spring semester classes will begin on January 27. Our members are excited to get back to school and back to projects!
Last Month's Recap
Our members gave their final presentations to their clients, congratulations to everyone on successful semesters! We finished up our fall semester finals and enjoyed our holiday break.
We have a new executive board! Check the bottom of this newsletter - our new board is listed!
Member Showcase
No member showcase this month.
Upcoming Birthdays
January 14 - Ian Langevin
Member Highlights
No member highlights this month.
Upcoming Events
January 1 - First Day of J-Term Classes
January 27 - First Day of Spring Semester Classes
Meet the Executive Board
Chief Executive Officer - Teddy Caulton
Chief Technology Officer - Darek Davis
Chief Financial Officer - Trey Varinsky
Chief Operations Officer - Ryan Burghart
VP of Marketing and Recruitment - Hoa Doan, Landon Woodard
VP of Communications and Culture - Laura De Oliviera
VP of Professional Development - Manny Adams
Interested in working with MBC or want to learn more about our services? Email with any questions!